Friday, May 22, 2009

Sighting and Weekend Activities

Radar was spotted at 8:30 this morning wandering through a backyard at 5805 Oakland Park Drive, so he's back on the other side of the train tracks and Burke Center Parkway.

Another sighting at 12:15 PM today at 5800 Oakland Park Drive - Radar was trailed out onto Oak Leather with treats, but disappeared into the woods/trails.

We are launching a door to door campaign this weekend to get as many people in the neighborhood on the lookout for him as possible. Can you help? Let us know!


  1. Is there a trap in that area now?

  2. We're scouting locations for the trap this weekend!

  3. give me a call @ 703-772-8132. would like to do something this evening to help.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Tom--Thanks so much for getting in touch and offering to help out! I'm passing your info on to Danny and Jeff, who are coordinating the weekend efforts.

    Thanks again,



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